Welcome to Zest of Mind

We are committed to helping individuals and communities make positive choices, and improve their mental and physical wellbeing

Our Current Activities

Celebrating our Cornrows

Exciting news! We’re launching a heritage project to celebrate cornrows in our community! Collaborating with our local museum we’re creating a documentary & artwork. Join us in empowering youth through filmmaking, crafts & more! #CornrowCulture #CommunityHeritage
Starts 3rd May 2024 register here & the team will be in contact: https://forms.gle/Z7tMFeMAyL5vaQwB7

Basketball Sessions

Are you 10 to 18 years old? Every Saturday 2 to 4pm @ Willesden Sports Centre receive professional coaching from England international basketball star Mike Martin. Available to boys and girls of all abilities. Young people can learn to play and increase their basketball skills, whilst having plenty fun.

If you are unable to join these classes, then check out our videos where you can see workouts, challenges and much more. 

Also, be sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel, and get notified of new videos as soon as they are released.

Advice and Support Services

No matter the issue you’re never alone. Please speak to one of our coaches for support, advice or further resources about the things that are concerning you.

The Anti-Bullying Alliance is a coalition of organisations and individuals that are united against bullying. Please refer to the ‘Advice & Support’ section of the site if you’re worried about bullying or want to find out where you can get help.


Whether you’re just starting out, upskilling, or looking for a career change – there’s an apprenticeship for everyone.


Activities and information for young people in Brent.


Brook is the only national charity to offer both clinical sexual health services, education & wellbeing services for young people.


CEOP is there to keep children safe from sexual abuse and grooming online. If you’re worried about online abuse or the way someone has been communicating online let CEOP know.


Childline is a free service for children and young people. Whatever problems or dangers they’re facing Childline is available to listen 365 days a year.

Helpline: 0800 1111


Childnet has tips, games and online safety advice to help young people get the best out of the internet and stay safe online. 


To talk about anything that is upsetting you, you can contact Samaritans 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Helpline: 116 123 

Email: jo@samaritans.org 


The Mayor of London’s volunteering team. Visit their website to find volunteering roles and start making a difference in your local community.


The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people. They are there to help you take on any challenge you may face from mental health, money, homelessness, finding a job, break-ups and drugs 


Upcoming Events

Mental Health Awareness Week

We’re proud to support the Mental Health Foundation this Mental Health Awareness Week 13 to 19 May 2024. Join in and help to create a world with good mental health for all. 

This year’s theme is movement: moving more for our mental health. Get involved by finding and sharing your moments for movement this Mental Health Awareness Week.  

Find out more: mentalhealth.org.uk/mhaw 

#MentalHealthAwarenessWeek #MomentsForMovement

What We Do

Find out more about us as well as our current projects and activities.

Activities & Projects

Take a look at our range of activities and projects that run, both independently and with our partners.

Accolades & Testimonials

See exactly how we have impacted various people and communities.


Check out our list of partners that help fuel our vision.

Key Dates

National Apprenticeship Week

Children’s Mental Health Week

Safer Internet Day 

World Book Day 

Earth Day 

Mental Health Awareness Week

Volunteers Week 

Bike Week 

Healthy Eating Week 

South Asian Heritage Month

International Youth Day

National Fitness Day 

Black History Month

World Mental Health Day  

Youth Work Week

Anti-Bullying Week

World Children’s Day

5th – 11th February 2024

5th – 11th February 2024

6th February 2024

7th March 2024

22nd April 2024

13th – 19th May 2024

1st – 7th June 2024

8th – 16th June 2024

10th – 14th June 2024

18th July – 17th August 2024

12th August 2024

20th September 2024

1st October – 31st October 2024

10th October 2024

4th – 10th November 2024

11th – 17th November 2024

20th November 2024

Term Dates (2023 - 2024)

Autumn Term 2023 

Half Term

Christmas Holiday

Spring Term 2024

Half Term

Easter Holiday

Summer Term 2024

Half Term

Summer Holiday

4th September – 21st December 2023

23rd October to 27th October 2023

22nd December 2023 to 5th January 2024

8th January to 28th March 2024

12th February to 16th February 2024

29th March to 12th April 2024

15th April to 24th July 2024

27th May to 31st May 2024

25th July to 1st September 2024

Progress is Progress

No matter how small the achievement, it is still progress. Get in contact and start making positive changes with us today!

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